Micheal & Cecilia University School Fees 2023/2024 Academic Session

Micheal & Cecilia University (MCU) School Fees 2023/2024 for all new and old students.

Are you have been wondering or asking how much the Micheal & Cecilia University Fees Cost? If yes be happy because this page will give you the breakdown of the MCU School Fees.

The Micheal & Cecilia University School Fees is based on the programmes you undertake.

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MCU School Fees For Freshers 2023/2024

Acceptance Fees

MCU Acceptance fee is a fee that you must pay to any university or Polytechnic as a first-year student/fresher denoting that you have accepted the course and in general the admission that has been offered to you by the school.

MCU School Fees For Freshers 2023/2024 | Other Charges

The followings are the charges all students of MCU need to pay for freshers or first-year that students.

Please be informed that fresh students will not be offered admission letter into the university until school fees and other compulsory fees have been paid. As for returning students, late payment of tuition fee would attract an extra fee and if student still fails to pay within the stipulated period, such student will now be allowed to partake in the semester examination.

Most private Universities in Nigeria, often offer fresh students the option of paying their school fees on installments basis due to the enormous amount, unlike their states and federal counterparts where tuition fees are paid in one lump-sum based on its affordability. Michael and Cecilia Ibru University in this case has approved the payment of school fees on a maximum of three installments though this is applicable to returning students only.

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See breakdown of Michael and Cecilia Ibru University School fees for fresh students 2023/2024 academic session below.

Upon completion of this post, readers ought to be clear about the following;

i) MCIU School fees for new students 2023/2024 academic session

ii) MCIU School fees for all courses 2023/2024 session

iii) Michael and Cecilia Ibru University acceptance fee 2023/2024 academic session

iv) Michael and Cecilia Ibru University School fees for returning students

v) Other fees and charges as seen in the table below.


The exact tuition fee paid by fresh students at MCIU is not readily available on line and the university’s website. However, based on findings and credible reports from immediate past students I was able to gather that MCIU school fees for fresh students is between 300,000 to 400,000 Naira per session depending on the department. From information gathered, Law and Accounting and some science courses pay the highest tuition fees.

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I receive very many questions daily here, we reply and answer accordingly, should you have any question(s) as regards MCIU school fees for new students 2023/2024 academic session, you can reach me via the comment section below and I shall respond accordingly. However, you are advised to read the information provided carefully before sending down your questions.

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